Author: Helmut Reisen

The ‘China Shock’ : Three Phases of China-enhanced Globalization

The rising living standards that have come with China’s opening in the 1980s initially lent widespread support to the view of trade as a key engine of economic growth, North and South. For low- and middle-income countries, the rise of China has been shown to be a boon during the 2000s. As a result, the impact of China on both the low- and middle-income countries has grown significantly, while the impact of OECD countries has significantly declined.

Die Zukunft der multilateralen Entwicklungsbanken: Handlungsoptionen für Deutschland

Image: Dollarscheine

Entwicklungsbanken als Katalysatoren

2016 gab es ein „SDG-Lieferversprechen“ von zehn multilateralen Entwicklungsbanken und dem IWF. Die kommende Bundesregierung sollte die entsprechenden Institutionen in den nächsten Jahren an ihre Versprechen erinnern und womöglich in die Pflicht nehmen.

Compact with Africa: Fostering Private Long-Term Investment

Photo: Bridge in AfricaThe German G20 Presidency puts the spotlight on Africa’s economic development. In its ´Compact with Africa´, the German G20 Presidency, jointly with the African partners, wants to encourage institutional investment by pension funds and life insurers in infrastructure to encourage corporate direct investment. The objective of the “Compact with Africa” is to boost growth and jobs, promote inclusion and give people economic opportunities at home so that they do not have to leave their home country to seek subsistence elsewhere.