Schlagwort: Environment

Central Banks and the G20 Agenda. Ensuring Policy Coherence

Photo: Banco Nación Belgrano Plaza_Mayo Buenos Aires

The G20 has come a long way in pulling economies back from the brink. Yet, a lot remains to be done in its pursuit of inclusive and sustainable growth. Productivity growth is sluggish, unemployment remains well above pre-crisis levels, inequality is hitting record highs, and environmental risks pose threats worldwide.

Is transformative research the way forward for Africa?

Image: University of Cape Town

Transformative Research – a promising approach

A growing number of policymakers, researchers and funding bodies have gotten excited about transformative research on Africa. Transformative research, they claim, may support progress towards economic, social and environmental sustainability in Africa and may enhance the participation of local actors in development research and cooperation. This may happen, if we actually knew what transformative research meant and how best to go about it.