Schlagwort: G20

Afrikas Jahrhundert

Image: Säuglingsstation

Bevölkerungsentwicklung muss kein Schreckensszenario sein

Afrikas Bevölkerung wird sich bis 2050 auf 2,5 Milliarden Menschen verdoppeln. Das sind etwa so viele Menschen, wie derzeit in China und Indien zusammen leben. Die Hälfte der Bevölkerung wird unter 25 Jahre alt sein. Damit wäre der Kontinent der jüngste der Welt. Das kann für Afrika und die Welt ein großes Risiko darstellen oder eine historische Chance – wenn die 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer zusammen mit ihren afrikanischen Partnerländern die richtigen Maßnahmen ergreifen – und zwar jetzt.

How the G20 can bring about a more functional MDB system

Photo: AIIBEnhancing the role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in sustainable global economic development has been an important issue for G20 leaders since their first meeting in 2008. For leaders, the primary purpose of revitalizing the MDBs was to counter the cyclical effects of the crisis. As the subprime crisis receded, the focus of leaders and the overall G20 agenda since 2010 has shifted towards growth, for which infrastructure financing has been highlighted as a key driver.

How the G20 can deal with Trump’s Chinese currency complaints in Baden-Baden

Photo: Trump Cartoon

Trump still aims to designate China as a currency manipulator

Last week in an interview with Reuters, U.S. President Trump labelled the Chinese as “grand champions at manipulation of currency”, indicating he has not fully backtracked from his campaign promise to designate China as a ‘currency manipulator’ on ‘day one’ of his Presidency. The position of Washington on this topic has not exactly been crystal clear, however, with the new U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, announcing on the same day as Trump’s comment that the Treasury was in fact still going through the formal process of analysing Chinese currency practices, and that no judgements would be made prior to the completion of that process.

The G20 Foreign Ministers‘ Meeting: Rebuilding the Social Fabric of International Cooperation

On 16-17 February 2017 the foreign ministers of the G20 countries gathered in Bonn, Germany’s United Nations city. This was the second ever meeting of foreign ministers under the G20 umbrella, which brings together 19 of the world’s largest economies, plus the European Union. The discussion among the G20 foreign ministers officially centered around issues of a long-term nature such as the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris climate agreement, crisis prevention and resolution, and opportunities for deepening the G20’s relationship with African economies.

Managing globalisation: a small economy perspective

Photo: Skyline of Singapore

The vanguard of policy innovation

There is much to discuss as leaders gather in Germany for G20 meetings: from the sluggish global recovery, to the potential for protectionism and threats to globalisation, and the economic and social challenges and opportunities of technological disruption. Reinforced by changing political sentiment over the past year, there is a growing consensus that the global economy is not delivering the benefits that it needs to across the developed world.