Schlagwort: Jacqueline Götze

What future for cooperation in the Arctic? Scenarios after Putin’s war on Ukraine

Photo: Research Lab Zackenberg

BY_NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet – Moser på Nordøst-Grønland, CC BY 2.0,

The war in Ukraine gives reason to fear the worst: Will the Arctic turn again into a region of confrontation, remain a region of cooperation or become a region “on hold”? Three scenarios for future collaboration in the Arctic and their implications for global cooperation on climate change…

From Networks and Platforms to Forums – Knowledge Cooperation in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), one of the side-events to the UN General Assembly Meeting that aimed not only to generate but disseminate knowledge that is needed, as an example for the importance of national and transnational knowledge cooperation in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under the topic “Good Practices: Models, Partnerships, and Capacity Building for the SDGs” the conference brought together more than 3,000 participants from the public and private sector as well as from civil society and academia.