Schlagwort: South Africa

Photo: windmills

Just Energy Transition Partnerships: Boosting international climate cooperation?

In the wake of the 2021 UN climate change conference in Glasgow (COP 26), things looked quite promising for international climate cooperation. The summit had yielded a flurry of new commitments and initiatives. Importantly, an ambitious plurilateral partnership with South Africa, a major emerging economy, was heralded as a new approach in results-oriented climate diplomacy.…

What potential do voluntary sustainability standards have?

Voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) encompass more than 500 ecolabels that are used in 199 countries involving US$ 50 billion total value. In November, the Managing Global Governance (MGG) Programme of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) co-organised Stakeholder Awareness Meeting: South African Initiative on Voluntary Sustainability Standards in Pretoria, South Africa.…

Welche Potenziale haben freiwillige Nachhaltigkeitsstandards?

Die freiwilligen Nachhaltigkeitsstandards (Voluntary Sustainability Standards, VSS) umfassen mehr als 500 Zertifizierungen und Umweltsiegel, die in 199 Ländern mit einem Gesamtwert von 50 Milliarden US-Dollar verwendet werden. Das Programm Managing Global Governance (MGG) des Deutschen Instituts für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) hat vom 6. bis 7. November in Pretoria, Südafrika, das Stakeholder-Awareness-Meeting: South African Initiative on Voluntary…